Co-Ed Tackle Football 6th Grade

Co-Ed Tackle Football 6th Grade

This league’s focus is on safety, fundamentals, skill development, and character development with the addition of full pads and helmets for tackle. Participants will incorporate learned skills into game situations. All grades have scheduled practices and games.

– Game Schedules will be available a week before season start
– Equipment Checkout: Tues, July 30th from 5:30-6:30 PM @ YMCA (parent and athlete must be present)                      – Coaches Meetings are July 23rd or 24th @ 7:00 PM. Coaches are requested to attend one of the two meetings.
– Coaches/Athlete Clinic: TBD

Volunteer coaches are needed!
If you are interested or know someone who is, please contact Caleb DeBoer at [email protected] or 605-225-4910